Stranger: whats your favorite morning meal?
Stranger: waffles with jam
Stranger: indeed. so my friend, may i ask what your name is? or would you rather keep it confidental ?
You: my name is andwia. you?
Stranger: My name is Kandi
You: where do you comes from?
Stranger: how many years have to been living?
Stranger: i comes from italy
Stranger: i don't really associate myself with a specific gender, but right now i am a male
Stranger: and i am 11 years old
You: you're freak . you know?
Stranger: that's not very nice...
Stranger: i do not appreachiate that
Stranger: awww i love u too boo
Stranger: im sorry, but it's not water proof and i broke it yesterday evening...
Stranger: talking to u... that is all
Stranger: how about u my sweet??
You: i dont know about that. you?
Stranger: i just made myself a screwdriver
Stranger: i started this project a few days ago
You: yeah
Stranger: do u have a map?
Stranger: cause im lost in ur eyes...
Stranger: that i cant see...
You: ..............freak!
You: BODO AMAT- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stranger: i am not portuguesan
Stranger: what's your name
Stranger: where r u from?
Stranger: in general but i am not
Stranger: i am an atheist
Stranger: but my family is muslim
You: do you like reading al-qur'an?
You: 13 years old. you/
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sebenernya sih banyak cuman pada sex sex gitu ih bokeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp haha